Trials of Smoke 3D

Still testing some 3d map views. For those using my maps, in this zone, I tried to make it easier to find your way through the teleportation platforms in the NE. Each of the different areas are color coded to the respective rooms (e.g., fire = red). The teleportation pads are circular and they are color coded to which area you will be taken to.

Hotkeys when using the 3d viewer:
H = hand. Let’s you drag the model around
O = orbit. Let’s you rotate the model
mouse wheel. Zoom in & out

The Burning Lands Beta Maps

I’ve attached a zip file containing the first three zones in The Burning Lands. Stratos, Plane of Smoke, and Empyr. The maps are still very rough.  I still have to go through and combine lines, fine tune colors, and much more. But, something is better than nothing. Right?

I’ll be doing updates to the files daily during beta, so check back at least once a day. If you follow me on Twitter, I’ll be sending out tweets after each set is published.

UPDATE: 10/30/18 11pm CST:
*Empyr – added all towers, cleaned up terrain, paths, and bridges
*Stratos – added more ledges, more npcs
*Smoke – added remaining details in SE lava area

UPDATES: 10/31/18
*Smoke – finished cleaning up SW water area, especially helpful with blinding mobs. Finished all main ramps. Second draft of teleport area in NE with labeled pads.
*Empyr- more path and terrain touch-ups

UPDATES: 11/2/18
*Smoke – added a missing ramp. Recolored the different platforms & teleporters in NE area. Color of the portal pads match the destination (lightning=yellow, water=blue, earth=brown, fire=red). If the portal takes you to a landing where the only exiting portal goes to the room, it is also colored in this same fashion.  This way, if you see a red portal, you know if you take it, you will either go directly to the room, or a landing that only leads to the room.
*Stratos – added a few more hard to reach islands and landings below islands.

UPDATES: 11/5/18
*Stratos, Smoke, Empyr – minor geometry tweaks & npc additions. Still working to get to next set of zones.

UPDATES: 11/6/18
*Aalishai: Palace of Embers- Fellowship reached this zone last night, and spent the entire evening mapping it out; afterwards, I ran my line optimizer on the rougher portions of the zone.  Didn’t realize until later that some of the houses on the west side of the zone are different sizes. Tonight, I’ll make some templates out of these houses and finalize the map. For now, the orientation markers I had done are red lines.

UPDATES: 11/7/18
*Aaslishai: Palace of Embers – Finished all the houses on west side. Also redid colors of ramps in the north. To make it easier to find the ramp entrances, I added the grey boulders at the bottom of each ramp. Hopefully tonight will get access to palace area and can finish off this zone.

UPDATES: 11/9/18
*Aaslishai: Palace of Embers – Finished mapping the palace area.
*Stratos – added more ledges below the islands.

UPDATES: 11/11/18
*Esianti: Palace of the Winds – First version of zone. Looks fairly good, but still need to optimize lines and other cleanups.

UPDATES: 11/12/18
*Esianti: Palace of the Winds – Optimized lines and did a few touch-ups. Map finalized.
*Doomfire, the Burning Lands – Did the quest from Doomfire last night. Not quite enough DPS to kill all the NPCs within the time limits, but fun to go back there.  I had cleaned up the geometry in this zone earlier in the year.  Added the full set of maps to this zip file.

UPDATES: 11/14/18
*Mearatas: The Stone Demesne – Partial map. Still working on some of the areas and you may see different colored markers as geometry placeholders.  Hoping to finalize it tonight.

*The Chamber of Tears: Made it to final zone tonight! Small part of zone mapped.

UPDATES: 11/19/18
*Mearatas: The Stone Demesne – Finalized map. Added all the NPC’s I could track.
*Stratos – added more NPC’s and adjusted their locations based on changes.

UPDATES: 11/26/18
*All – updated NPC’s to reflect updates to quests, raids, regular, and etc.
*Stratos – added more platforms below the main islands. Also added a few a second level below.

UPDATES: 12/10/18
* All – folded the maps into the core set of map files. I’ll leave the link below if anyone is curious on what they looked like during beta. Going forward, the maps will be maintained with the rest of the files.

The Burning Lands Beta Maps

New Set of Maps

Updates in this set span every expansion.

*The “to” and “from” for all zones have been adjusted to use the exact name of the zone. Took quite a bit of time trying to fix them all!
Some examples:
North Desert of Ro versus “North Ro” or “Northern Ro”
The Northern Plains of Karana versus “North Karana”
The Ruins of Old Guk versus “Lower Guk” or “Lguk”
The Ocean of Tears versus “Ocean of Tears” or “OOT”
Kithicor Forest versus “Kithicor Woods” or “Kithicor”
The Warsliks Woods versus “Warsliks Wood” or “Warslisk Woods”
The Overthere versus “Overthere”
Wall of Slaughter versus “Walls of Slaughter”
Nobles’ Causeway versus Noble’s Causeway
*Made a complete sweep of all labels looking for large labels (size 3) when they should be medium (size 2). Size 3 is only used for zone connections.

Original EQ
*Nektulos Forest – Remapped paths throughout zone.
*Kithicor Forest – Remapped paths throughout zone.
*Butcherblock Mountains – Remapped paths throughout zone. Added Forge on north side of zone.
*Greater Faydark – Remapped paths throughout zone. Redid orc tents. Added some missing NPCs.
*Lesser Faydark – Remaped paths throughout zone. Redid orc tents. Added missing NPCs.
*Toxxulia Forest – Remapped the kobold tents. Added small portions of path.
*Commonlands – Remapped all buildings. Added missing NPCs. Remapped paths throughout zone.
*Rivervale – Small geometry revisions. Added Pottery Wheel. Added Oven.
*The Rathe Mountains – Added quite a few NPCs, cleaned up numerous buildings and tents
*Lake Rathetear – Added a missing area in the NE where barbarian group was on a hill. Added missing NPCs.

Ruins of Kunark
*The Warsliks Woods – added second floor to buildings near Cablis.

Shadows of Luclin
*Vex Thal – adjusted some hunter locations

Planes of Power
*Plane of War – added Grandmaster room and chess board. Added lots of labels for PoW quests.
*Plane of Tactics – added labels tied to Plane of War quest lines

Depths of Darkhollow
*Ruins of Illsalin – added a missing upper level area on east side leading to an instance entrance.
*Illsalin Marketplace – redid entire map from scratch. Much higher quality. Clearly show fake walls.
*Temple of the Korlach – redid almost entire zone from scratch. Much higher quality.
*The Nargilor Pits – redid entire zone from scratch. Clearly show fake floor trap.
*Stoneroot Falls – added all the missing ramps and cleaned up all the platform z-axis issues.
*Caverns of the Lost – cleaned up map and added walls that were straight.

The Serpent’s Spine
*Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale – added doors. Cleaned up final west wing room.
*Direwind Cliffs – cleaned up cliff area leading to Ashengate
*Sunderock Springs – adjusted zone line to Direwind Cliffs.
*The Steppes – added paths, terrain, adjusted zone lines, added buildings, many other improvements.
*Goru`kar Mesa – added paths, terrain, adjusted zone lines to Steppes and Blightfire Moors.
*Icefall Glacier – added missing caves.

Rain of Fear
*Grelleth’s Palace, the Chateau of Filth – started fixing geometry for this zone. Looks better, but lot of work left.

Empires of Kunark
*Chardok – Remapped Sokokar area. Added missing Hunters.



Revised map for Temple of the Korlach

Just finished revising map for Temple of the Korlach (Illsalinb).  Redid almost entire map to get it clean. Will be included in October updates. Original map had lot of objects in SW area of zone, but they were minor variations of floor height. I only include pillars or walls in my map. Also, much easier to see the different underwater passages and layout.

New website section – Map Comparisions

I added a new section to the website called Map Comparisons. It can be found in the top menu.  I added this section to try to show highlights of some of the differences between my map files and others. The slider tool from Twenty20 made adding these very simple and if anyone has a Word Press site and looking for something similar, I highly recommend the plugin.

New set of maps

The updates in this set span a few different expansions.

Original EQ
*Changed labels in multiple zones from Qeynos Catacombs to the correct zone name, Qeynos Aqueduct System.
* Qeynos Aqueduct System – revised labels referencing connections to North and South Qeynos. Added stairs and tweaked colors to make it a bit easier to see some layers.

Shadows of Luclin
* Paludal Caverns – recolored some areas from lower to upper areas.
* Changed labels in multiple zones from Shadowhaven to the correct zone name, Shadow Haven.

Planes of Power
Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve – redid entire map from scratch. All the maps I could find had horrible z-axis issues or were not accurate.

Depths of Darkhollow
* Undershore – added missing ramps. Recolored NW and SE areas to make it easier to see different levels and the underground areas.

Call of the Forsaken
* Agin-Hiz – added second floors to most of the houses. Also cleaned up circular buildings with nearby walls.

Ring of Scale
* Gorowyn – added multiple hunter mob locations
* Howling Stones – added multiple hunter mob locations

New Set of Maps 2018.07.19

The updates in this set span a few different expansions.

Ruins of Kunark
* Trakanon’s Teeth – added aqueduct level

Scars of Velious
* Tower of Frozen Shadow – remapped portions of several levels to fix walls and label fake walls.

Shadows of Luclin
* Tenebrous Mountains – added missing Coterie buildings in the eastern part of zone. Also redid areas of the large castle.

Depths of Darkhollow
* Corathus Creep – remapped all the buildings & structures in the southeastern area, including the gate. Added missing NPCs and some other named mobs.

Prophecy of Ro
* Theater of Blood – added terrain, remapped theater area, added rare NPCs
* The Elddar Forest – spent quite a bit of time cleaning up all the buildings, colorized the different levels, and added missing towers.  Added giant houses in western part of zone.

Call of the Forsaken
* The Dead Hills – added some Hunter locations
* Neriak Fourth Gate – added missing doors. Added pillars in western area. Fixed geometry and stairs.

The Darkened Sea
*Arx Mentis – cleaned up geometry, changed colors of some of the layers to make it easier to navigate. Added stairs. Maybe less people will get lost in this zone!
*Combine Dredge – worked on the towers. Added all levels and staircases. Note that the western tower has an upper level that is accessible by climbing one of the tentacles.