Night of Shadows beta

Download latest NoS Maps

Update 2022.11.06:

Another day, another set of maps! Added a new, third-floor area to western side of Shar Val where a quest giver is. Added secret area in Paludal where quest givers were hiding. Cleaned up a couple areas of Shadow Haven, and also added large number of hunter locations along with collectable locations.

Update 2022.11.01:

Finished detailed maps for a few of the zones. Darklight Caverns looks great (see below). I also added the Grimling tunnels in Shar Val (see below). I also cleaned up Firefall Pass and for the falls into the four pit areas, I used yellow for the top and orange for below. Should make it much easier to see safe drop-downs to the lower level.

Also included in this batch are my customized legends found at the bottom of the maps.

Darklight Caverns
Grimling caves on west side of zone
Firefall Pass

Update: 2022.10.26:

Latest set of maps can be obtained from the link above. This set includes detailed versions of Paludal Depths and Shade Weaver. A newer, work in progress of Firefall Pass is also included.

Paludal Depths

Update 2022.10.20:

This past week, I’ve been sinking lots of time into flushing out details in the Ruins of Shadow Haven and Deepshade zones. Both are looking very good, but every time I go through either of these zones, I lose hours mapping more…

Shadow Haven
Deepshade – Side View
Deepshade – top view

Update 2022.10.15:

Spent quite a bit of time in a few zones adding more details and cleaning them up. With this set, everyone should be able to get around, and I’ve added quite a few NPC’s and other info.

Update 2022.10.12:

Cleaned up the maps that I worked on last night. I was bouncing around quite a bit trying to get zone connections and main outlines done. Tonight will be more of the same.


I’ve only been on for a couple hours tonight, and getting some rough work done on maps. For those trying to find their way around, I’ve included what I have so far.

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