I was caught completely off-guard last night when I got home that beta had started! I didn’t have my main character over, but managed to create a rogue halfling, buff up and knock out some areas. I usually start with boundaries, zone connections, and major structures. Often, I do one side of hallways or rooms and use 3d editing tools to copy/flip. Details and NPC’s get added later.
I’ll update this post with a link to latest batch of my work-in-process maps:
2021.11.28 Updates:
A new set of maps including a completely redone Vex Thal with a very high level of detail. Basillica map also complete. Also includes all the buildings and structures in Maiden’s Eye. Most of the other zones have minor corrections and I’ll make a few more quality passes prior to final release.
2021.10.27 Updates:
This version includes a completed Shadow Valley, an improved version of Craft Halls, partial sub-basement to Basilica, and a slew of other changes. I’ve been working with someone else on the structures in Maiden’s Eye, and those should be in the next set.

2021.10.22 Updates:
More details to Shadow Valley. Once I finish it, I’ll go back to Basilica.

2021.10.21 Updates:
This set includes a more details to Shadow Valley and a cleaned up Umbral Plains, along with paths and detailed central platform.

2021.10.20 Updates:
This version includes more details to Basilica top floors. It also includes the full Shadow Valley, along with the southern portion of the zone where I’ve started to add more details, which makes it much easier to understand heights. I’ll adjust colors when I finalize the zone.

2021.10.18 Updates:
Although this weekend was insanely busy for me personally, I managed to get most of Bloodfalls done. Some areas were so dark with shadows I had trouble seeing the ground. I lined up the verticals for the different levels and made use of my new color-depths. Still missing a few buildings, other landmarks, and a drop-down area, but overall, pleased with how this one is coming out.

2021.10.16 Updates:
Added basement & top level to Basilica. Added more areas to Shadow Valley. Added more details to Maiden’s Eye, Umbral Plains, and Ka Vethan.

2021.10.14 Updates:
Basilica – a couple floors done with considerable details.
Bloodfalls – not started
Ka Vethan – ton of details. Will loop back after others done.

The Maiden’s Eye – perimeter remapped along with some buildings. Almost same as existing zone, but different.
Shadow Valley – Southern area done.
Umbral Plains – remapped. Almost same as existing zone, but caves and some other areas are different.
Vex Thal – Glad I reworked this zone a couple years ago!
Either myself or my Brewmap rogue will be mapping away…