Laurion`s Song Maps

2024.12.01 Updates:

All final Laurion Song maps are included in the main map download. I will continue to update the maps with more Hunter & Collection information.

2023.11.09 Updates:

Added boulders to the Timorous Falls map. Also cleaned up stairs. I keep running around trying to find anything I might have missed.

2023.10.31 Updates:

Added significant more details to Hero`s Forge and Pal`Lomen, including the crystal cave, building details, and the thorny hedge (I deleted my original auto-map of the hedge and redid it with manual positions). I also added siege equipment and tents in the Rallosian camp to make it easier to identify where hunters spawn. If you see small lines in different colors in incomplete areas, they are my markers that I use when I finalize maps.

2023.10.29 Updates:

Unkempt Woods and Timorous Falls maps are finalized. Unkempt Woods had a lot of tight places with mobs and collection items, so instead of automap, I manually mapped every line. This took an enormous amount of time, but I am very pleased with the accuracy. I also added the ships off shore, tents, catapults, and details for both armies camps. For Timorous Falls, I added the brewery, bridges, all the houses, fishing camp, and other things I found. I still need to fix one of the staircases. I’m moving on to add more details to a couple of the remaining maps.

2023.10.27 Updates:

Ankexfen, Laurion Inn, and Moors all detailed out, lines optimized, levels colored, paths/rivers, and look great. Running out of things to map in these three. Others are close to final, but I want to add more details. I’ll add all the labels after my bard gets copied over to beta.

Maps of Myrist Map Updates

This collection of maps includes almost a hundred location names based on the official Maps of Myrist book. I spent dozens of hours going through all the maps and lore and wound up adding or changing something in almost every map in Original EQ, Ruins of Kunark, Scars of Velious, Shadows of Luclin, and Planes of Power.

Just some examples:

  • Befallen – renamed Pit to Basement to Well of the Damned
  • Erud’s Crossing – added Talysra’s Paw Island
  • Everfrost Peaks – renamed Lich`s Cave to The Caverns of Miragul
  • Rivervale – added Abbey of Mischief and Storm Reapers
  • The Northern Plains of Karana – added Serpent River
  • The Western Plains of Karana – renamed Undead Ruins to Ogre Holy Circle
  • Kurn`s Tower – added Cave of Wishes
  • The Overthere – added Canyon of Misery
  • Cobalt Scar – added Siren`s Bay and Dragon Claw Peninsula
  • The Maiden`s Eye – added Firegard Lake
  • Doomfire, the Burning Lands – added The Obsidian Forest

Memorial Day Map Update

This set of updated maps is focuses on the Seeds of Destruction expansion. Many of the maps were functional, but could have been much better. I wound up remapping five of the zones completely. Also included is a new Plane of Justice map.

Original EQ
* Ak`anon – adjusted geometry in a few places. Added missing stairs.
* The Castle of Mistmoore – added Bloodfalls zone label.
* Jaggedpine Forest – remapped path throughout the zone.
* The Temple of Solusek Ro – clarified secret door in basement.
Shadows of Luclin
* Ssraeshza Temple – cleaned up pipes between floors.
Ruins of Kunark
* Frontier Mountains – added more terrain
Planes of Power
* Plane of Justice – completely remapped entire zone from scratch. Added all NPC`s.
* Plane of Nightmare – added zone-out to Plane of Tranquility
* Plane of War – added walls in the Field of Strife
Prophecy of Ro
* Relic – added zone out from Skylance
* Skylance – remapped entire Oubiette area and portions of main room.
* The Commonlands – refactored map with Old Commonlands.
Seeds of Destruction
* Bloody Kithicor – fixed all buildings
* City of Dranik – completely remapped entire zone from scratch. Significant improvement.
* Field of Scale – fixed all buildings in SE area of zone. Added missing third floor in the Palace. Added two missing islands in the NW. Added paths. Remapped Kurn`s Tower base and ramp.
* Kaesora Hatchery – Added pillars, fixed inaccurate geometry.
* Kaesora Library – completely remapped entire zone from scratch. Significant improvement.
* Kurn`s Tower – completely remapped entire zone from scratch. Significant improvement.
* Old Bloodfields – completely remapped entire zone from scratch. Significant improvement.
* Old Commonlands – refactored with The Commonlands
* The Void – completely remapped entire zone from scratch. Significant improvement.

New Map Collection

I just published what I consider to be the final Night of Shadow maps, folded into the main download. Like all my other maps, they include the map legend, with information on collectables, hunters, and much more. After failing the Power Corrupts quest in the Ruins of Shadow Haven dozens of times, and getting flung into Paludal Depths, I included some lines and placements to show how close you can get to Commander Yaminshavraylin.

Go to the EQ Map Files page to download.

Night of Shadows beta

Download latest NoS Maps

Update 2022.11.06:

Another day, another set of maps! Added a new, third-floor area to western side of Shar Val where a quest giver is. Added secret area in Paludal where quest givers were hiding. Cleaned up a couple areas of Shadow Haven, and also added large number of hunter locations along with collectable locations.

Update 2022.11.01:

Finished detailed maps for a few of the zones. Darklight Caverns looks great (see below). I also added the Grimling tunnels in Shar Val (see below). I also cleaned up Firefall Pass and for the falls into the four pit areas, I used yellow for the top and orange for below. Should make it much easier to see safe drop-downs to the lower level.

Also included in this batch are my customized legends found at the bottom of the maps.

Darklight Caverns
Grimling caves on west side of zone
Firefall Pass

Update: 2022.10.26:

Latest set of maps can be obtained from the link above. This set includes detailed versions of Paludal Depths and Shade Weaver. A newer, work in progress of Firefall Pass is also included.

Paludal Depths

Update 2022.10.20:

This past week, I’ve been sinking lots of time into flushing out details in the Ruins of Shadow Haven and Deepshade zones. Both are looking very good, but every time I go through either of these zones, I lose hours mapping more…

Shadow Haven
Deepshade – Side View
Deepshade – top view

Update 2022.10.15:

Spent quite a bit of time in a few zones adding more details and cleaning them up. With this set, everyone should be able to get around, and I’ve added quite a few NPC’s and other info.

Update 2022.10.12:

Cleaned up the maps that I worked on last night. I was bouncing around quite a bit trying to get zone connections and main outlines done. Tonight will be more of the same.


I’ve only been on for a couple hours tonight, and getting some rough work done on maps. For those trying to find their way around, I’ve included what I have so far.

Terror of Luclin Maps

I’ll be keeping Terror of Luclin maps as a separate download for the next few months. After I personally finish all the quests and hunters, I’ll fold these into my main map download.

Download Terror of Luclin Maps

2021.12.08 Updates

Maiden’s Eye: Added caves behind fake wall. Added missing NPC’s and quest location updates.

Umbral Plains: Added missing NPC’s and quest location updates.

The Nexus: Added NPC with teleport stone to Maiden’s Eye.

Terror of Luclin Beta

I was caught completely off-guard last night when I got home that beta had started! I didn’t have my main character over, but managed to create a rogue halfling, buff up and knock out some areas. I usually start with boundaries, zone connections, and major structures. Often, I do one side of hallways or rooms and use 3d editing tools to copy/flip. Details and NPC’s get added later.

I’ll update this post with a link to latest batch of my work-in-process maps:

2021.11.28 Updates:

A new set of maps including a completely redone Vex Thal with a very high level of detail. Basillica map also complete. Also includes all the buildings and structures in Maiden’s Eye. Most of the other zones have minor corrections and I’ll make a few more quality passes prior to final release.

2021.10.27 Updates:

This version includes a completed Shadow Valley, an improved version of Craft Halls, partial sub-basement to Basilica, and a slew of other changes. I’ve been working with someone else on the structures in Maiden’s Eye, and those should be in the next set.

2021.10.22 Updates:

More details to Shadow Valley. Once I finish it, I’ll go back to Basilica.

2021.10.21 Updates:

This set includes a more details to Shadow Valley and a cleaned up Umbral Plains, along with paths and detailed central platform.

2021.10.20 Updates:

This version includes more details to Basilica top floors. It also includes the full Shadow Valley, along with the southern portion of the zone where I’ve started to add more details, which makes it much easier to understand heights. I’ll adjust colors when I finalize the zone.

2021.10.18 Updates:

Although this weekend was insanely busy for me personally, I managed to get most of Bloodfalls done. Some areas were so dark with shadows I had trouble seeing the ground. I lined up the verticals for the different levels and made use of my new color-depths. Still missing a few buildings, other landmarks, and a drop-down area, but overall, pleased with how this one is coming out.

2021.10.16 Updates:

Added basement & top level to Basilica. Added more areas to Shadow Valley. Added more details to Maiden’s Eye, Umbral Plains, and Ka Vethan.

2021.10.14 Updates:

Basilica – a couple floors done with considerable details.

Bloodfalls – not started

Ka Vethan – ton of details. Will loop back after others done.

The Maiden’s Eye – perimeter remapped along with some buildings. Almost same as existing zone, but different.

Shadow Valley – Southern area done.

Umbral Plains – remapped. Almost same as existing zone, but caves and some other areas are different.

Vex Thal – Glad I reworked this zone a couple years ago!

Either myself or my Brewmap rogue will be mapping away…


October 13th 2021 Updates

This set of maps has a bit of everything, from original zones to the latest expansion.

Overall Changes

The biggest change with this set of maps is how all the different layers are colored. I used to use a set of 5-6 different colors and any time I needed another layer to show a second floor, basement, sub-basement, or other level, I would just use the next color. The colors I picked were high-contrast to help stand out in different UI skins.

I created a new color scheme based on a color spectrum. The main level of most zones uses black. Lower level areas use dark purple and light purple. Upper areas are green and light green. When there are even more upper area, I added different blues. That way, if looking top-down on the map, should be able to see color progression based on depth.

Over the last month, I revised 513 of the 527 zone files, adjusting everything from the layers of boats in The Buried Sea zones, layers in original zones like Erudin Palace, and complicated zones like Arx Mentis. The coloring of above/below layers should make it much easier for those visiting places and realizing there is an upstairs or downstairs to a building.


I personally finished all the recently added hunter achievements from older expansions. All of these are included in my maps.

Any time I found a roaming mob, I tried to use bard song that gates the mob back to its spawn point repeatedly while tracking to add the exact spawn location to my maps. These are noted with a “HS” in the label. I used Magelo as basis for finding the difficult ones, but it just shows where someone killed it, not where it spawns. A particularly difficult hunter would be in Lifedrainer in Ruins of Illsalin. Magelo shows this roamer in south central, but I spawned him, gated him repeatedly, and found his spawn location in far north-east part of zone. His label is: Lifedrainer (Hunter,Roam,HS). The “HS” designates I personally used Song of Highsun to nail this spawn down. For those without tracking, you can clear roamers and stay close to the “HS” spawn locations.

Overall, my maps contain 130 different roaming hunters that have been gated back to spawn point.

Original EQ

  • Highpass Hold – added missing smuggler area (thank you Cazic.Gaekkas for message).
  • The Feerott – adjusted zone lines.
  • The Hole – added a missing Jail area (thank you Cazic.Gaekkas for message). Geometry cleanup.

Gates of Discord

  • Sewers of Nihilia, the Crematory – ran mission repeatedly to coax out all the Hunter PH locations.

Depths of Darkhollow

  • Ruins of Illsalin – For those working on hunter achievements, I used song of highsun to reveal the spawn location for Lifedrainer.


  • The Convorteum – remapped entire zone from scratch. Massive improvement.
  • The Convorteum – added enormous number of hunter locations after repeatedly clearing the entire zone while mapping.

Secrets of Faydwer

  • Bloodmoon Keep – Remapped NW corridor. Added additional details to map in eastern area of zone.
  • Loping Plains – remapped NE area of zone.

House of Thule

  • Grand Guild Hall – remapped entire zone from scratch.

Empires of Kunark

  • Lceanium – added two missing buildings (thank you Vox.Iueara for message), added tents, and quite a few columns.